Progress Bars
Progress bars comes with diffrent styles and modes. Bellow you can see the styles provided in the Avendor Theme.
Default Progress Bars
{progress width="72"}Curabitur pellentesque 72%{/progress}
Progress Bars Colors
{progress width="72" color="success"}Curabitur pellentesque 72%{/progress}
Progress Bars Titles
Curabitur pellentesque72%
Proin adipiscing90%
Nunc faucibus64%
Sed hendrerit enim80%
Venenatis at Laoreet92%
Turpis venenatis76%
{progress width="72" color="success" headline="Curabitur pellentesque"}{/progress}
Progress Bars Slim
{progress width="72" color="success" style="pb-slim"}{/progress}